Electra Classic 200i, есть схема

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Electra Classic 200i, есть схема

Непрочитанное сообщение Impulsite » 29 ноя 2012, 18:22

Electra Classic 200i (также Electra Classic Plus 300) - клон вспышки Rekam Classic 200i и 300i.
Напряжение сети: ~220 В
Энергия импульса: примерно 110 Дж
Глубина регулирования: 4 EV, плавно.
Пилотная лампа: максимально 60 Вт
Цветовая температура: 5600° K
Готовность: 2 сек
Габариты: 110 x 110 x 330 мм
Вес: 2200 г.

Источник: http://www.electronicspoint.com/familia ... 74526.html
rwmoekoe писал(а):This is a schematic of a strobe flash with brightness / intensity preset.
I'm only gonna describe the presetting concept roughly, hope it's ok with you all.

The circuit part below the main circuit will act as (presettable) timer to cease the flash from firing. Yes, the level intensity is actually determined by the period in which the flash should fire.
The main switch that make this stopping possible, is the CR3JM fast thyristor. Normally, a common thyristor would fail to disengage. That's why a fast one is used instead.

Anyone who knows of any schematic or can draw one for me that uses IGBT as the main switch in place of the thyristor, please help me. I would really appreciate it.

I hope this will be of some use for anyone who read this thread. Thankyou all!
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